Friday, November 12, 2010

North Georgia State Fair 2010

You can't live in North Georgia and NOT go to the North Georgia Sate Fair!!

As redneck as it may sound The Clark's L-O-V-E the fair and we couldn't wait to pass on the love to our children.

Andre was especially impressed with this gigantic cow at the petting "farm".

A fast learner, Andre quickly discovered that mommy and daddy had an endless supply of tickets to ride all the rides. (What do you think-tickets grow on trees???)

Andre called this ride the "bus" but it was actually a pink jeep.

Too manly to ride the pink jeep, Andre's cousin Colton introduced him to the motorcycles.

These two had perma-grins the entire time and kept asking to go "AGAIN!"

Dizzy from the motorcycles, Andre decided to slow things down a bit on the dragon ride. On this one he could actually "control" the dragon by pulling up on the steering stick to make it go up and down. A blast!

We took a break to chase bubbles and replenish our ticket stash....

Armed with orange tickets, Andre once again attempted the dangerous motorcycle ride. Thinkgs were a bit tricky without his cousin with him, but everyone cheered him on (even the kid behind him)

Selah was so proud of her big brother...

GO Andre GO!

A trip to the fair wouldn't be complete without a corndog. Andre went into a deep-fried hydrogenated oil shock, but when he came to he said, "mmmm. corndog. " Yes you may have another year.

Selah was her sweet self of course. Waiting patiently in the stroller watching her brother enjoy the rides. We got her out to take a photo.

You'll get to ride them next year sweet Selah!

We let him go one last time on the "Nemo" ride. His all-time favorite of the fair, "Yay Nemo ride!"

It was time to call it a night-but not before daddy won him a blow-up guitar. "Geeee-tar!", he yelled as we walked to the car.

Selah fell asleep with her fingers gripped tightly to the stroller. I think she was dreaming of riding a ride...

Bye fair!

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