Sunday, July 25, 2010

Summer Time!

Summer is here and almost gone and we've been too busy to blog about it!

Sweet Smiley Selah is almost 5 months old and she is a happy girl. We say that she makes our home sweeter...She's rolling around on the floor a lot (Andre didn't move until he was about 9 months old and then he rolled around until he was about a year!!)

She's finally big enough to enjoy the exersaucer. FUN!

Big Brother Andre keeps us moving. He wakes up bright and early ready to boss us around. ;) But he does so manipulatively...

Andre, "shalk!"
Me, "You want to play with chalk?"
Andre, "ha-kay!" (ok)

wait a minute! that wasn't MY idea!

Andre is finally used to having a little sister around. He went from indifferent to inconvenienced to interested.

He likes to wake her up from her nap and she always gives him a sleepy smile when he says, "Se-yaaaah, Ake up!"

He also is the first one to inform me when she has spit up, "Seyah spit", as he hands me a burp cloth.

And whenever she cries he goes over to her and kisses her so she'll stop. ;)

Andre loves to climb the stairs, climb up on the table, and climb in the washing machine.

This is one of my favorite pictures of him climbing on something appropriate- a 3 foot climbing wall.

I love the shadow of his curly hair!

If she's not smiling she's usually sleeping. :)

It wears her out to watch her big brother run circles around her everyday.

The biggest news of the summer was Andre's 2nd birthday! Thats right folks we are now entering the "Terrific Two's" (what did you think I was going to say?)

Andre woke up on his birthday morning to a huge "2" balloon in his room. We even let him have cake for breakfast! This is his birthday cake-he looks a bit underwhelmed.

"Seriously mom? I had a bigger cake on my first birthday!!"

Oh Andre- that was just an appetizer cake! Here is Andre's real birthday cake at his pool party. Complete with Elmo, Mr. Noodle and Dorothy.

We sang Happy Birthday and Andre helped himself to TWO cupcakes!

Andre,"Mo. cake. peas."
Me "More cake?"
Andre, "Ha-kay!"

Canaan was there to help him get the icing off his face and remind him that he needed to wait thirty minutes before getting in the kidde pool.

She's a great girlfriend.

Reese (Andre's cousin) also enjoyed the birthday cake and didn't even wait thirty seconds before she jumped in! She decided to keep a little cake on her face so she could keep enjoying it while she swam, "Where is that Canaan girl when I need her?"

Everyone had a great time at the party. Mommy, Uncle Bryant and Cha-Cha posed with the kids...

The celebration was in full swing until...

An Alligator was spotted in the pool!

Quickly Canaan swung in to action-saving all the plastic squirty fish from inevitable danger. All the while Colton bravely squirted the gator in the nostril.

The team effort saved the party from disaster!

Sweet Selah was unaware of the danger she was in with the alligator...She's was too busy looking fabulous in the bikini that her daddy did not want her to wear. They compromised and she wore the matching cover up.

Andre had a blast at his party and he got lots of cool stuff.

One of his favorite gifts was the slide his friend Summer gave him (which is now a permanent fixture in our house) He calls it "SummerSwide" and he watches Sesame Street perched on the top of it every morning. ;)

Here he his wearing his Bee Friendly shirt from Poppy and Karen.

Doesn't he look so much older?!?!

He really looks old here.

Wow they grow up so fast don't they? :)

Selah was proud of her big brother and looked forward to having a party of her own someday...

Until then she can only enjoy ice cream when it is a cute doodad on her shirt.

(the shoes stayed on her feet just long enough for the picture)

Isn't she adorable?? :)

This picture just makes me laugh because it Andre looks freakishly big (like he and Keenan could share clothes) and Selah looks freakishly small (and with a serious-tiny-Nascar driver-look)

I love my family. :)

And the best picture is summed up in the in the words sung by Auntie Cha-Cha,

"Hold me clooooser, tiny daaaancer!"

teehee. :)

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