Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Halloween, The Move & Thanksgiving...

Wow! Andre had been a very busy 17 month old!

So much has happened since our last blog...here are the highlights...

You can't live in Canton, GA and not go to The Cagle's Dairy Farm Maize. Andre had a blast jumping on this enormous "haystack" with Mimi. He even wore his creamed-corn-colored sweatshirt to blend in with his surroundings.

Andre has takin' a likin' (what? we're in the country folks!) to driving anything with a steering wheel but he especially got a kick out of "driving" this tractor at the farm.

Yippee Yee Haw!

Back at the Ranch, Andre had to play it cool in front of Canaan. The last time he recklessly drove her Barbie Jeep around he got an ear full!

They even have their pink seatbelts on. Way to be safe kids!

Halloween this year was not near as fun as last year. First of all it was raining, second Canaan was out of town and third Andre was sick. But we had to wear the adorable Elmo costume at least once to get some pictures. Andre was not in the best of moods so we call this Not-Feeling-So-Good- Elmo. We only took him to one house this year (Nanny & Paw-Paw's) and as if the day couldn't get any worse-NO ONE WAS HOME! He quickly turned in to What-The-Heck?-Elmo. &%#$!

Daddy saved the day by staging Trick-or-Treat and giving Andre some beef jerky. Just kidding! THAT would definitely be a trick...its an organic fruit snack.

Seriously thats all we have of Halloween 2009. Shortly after this picture we all got sick. Yuck.

On a happier note-

We are all moved into our new house!! and Andre LOVES it! He especially likes the park just a short walk from our front door.

Here he is enjoying the beautiful fall weather and one of his all-time favorites: the swing!


We've moved on from dead leaves (aka "flowers") to sticks! Give this little boy two sticks and he goes crazy wacking everything in sight. Which reminds me to ask Santa for a drum set for Andre this year....

And yes he will even try to wack his mother. Here he is chasing me with a stick!


He's lucky to have snuck in here before I could catch him and "teach" him that it is not ok to hit your mom. My ever-growing belly prevents me from getting in this tower. :)

He knows he got one on me.....this time...

The neighborhood tennis courts are pretty much in our backyard so Daddy is excited about giving Andre lessons. You can't be named Andre, live next to a tennis court and NOT know how to swing a racquet.

Although he needs one that is more his size....another request for Santa...

In other exciting news, Andre was invited to a reptile birthday party for his buddy Jacob. He actually touched a real live snake!

Mimi nervously "helped" him touch the instead of squueezing it to death.

He tried to act like he didn't know these women but yes they are related. Its Auntie Amy and Cha-Cha!

It was a fun party!

Thanksgiving was a lot more fun Halloween. Auntie Kami got him this cute and appropriate "Feed Me" shirt and thats what we did!
We ate lunch at Nanny & Paw Paw's (they were home this time) and dinner at Mimi's.

Andre was excited to not be seated at the kids table as Mimi offered to be his high chair. Next year Andre-next year!

And this is what happens when you eat the whole turkey! :) Actually this is one of the only pictures of my belly this pregnancy. I figured we better take at least one so little "Sprite" doesn't think she's adopted!
See you at Christmas!

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